Michael and Christine Foulger Charitable Trust

Current Trustees

There are 6 Trustees. 4 of these are "Representative Trustees" - each representing one of the beneficiary organisations. The "Independent Trustees" are currently friends or neighbours of the Foulgers, appointed to ensure that Michael and Christine's wishes and interests are reflected in the projects supported by the grants made.

Mark Hunter (Clerk)

Independent Trustee
Appointed: 04 January 2016

John Elldred

Parochial Church Council Trustee
Appointed: 04 January 2016

Melvyn Wooding

Educational Foundation Trustee
Appointed: 20 January 2018

Kaye Pentland (Chair)

Independent Trustee
Appointed: 26 March 2018

Mary-Anne Burch

Womens' Institute Trustee
Appointed: 15 September 2020

Carol Parsons

Parish Council Trustee
Appointed: 15 September 2020

Previous Trustees

The first Independent Trustees (Mark Hunter and Adrian Dale) were initially appointed under the terms of the will of Michael Foulger. The Representative Trustees were nominated as candidates by their respective organisations. The first Representative Trustees were then appointed at a Special Meeting of the Trustees on 4th January 2016.

Adrian Dale (Retired)

Independent Trustee
Appointed: 04 January 2016
Stood down: 26 March 2018

Raymond Daniells (Retired)

Parish Council Trustee
Appointed: 04 January 2016
Stood down: 14 April 2020

Martin Emerson (Retired)

Educational Foundation Trustee
Appointed: 04 January 2016
Stood down: 24 January 2018

Gillian Jeffcoat (Retired)

Womens' Institute Trustee
Appointed: 04 January 2016
Stood down: 17 January 2020