Founding the Trust
The Michael and Christine Charitable Trust was established under the terms of the will of Michael Foulger who died on 4th October 2015. The Trust legally came into being on the 14th December 2015 when the Trust Deed was signed and witnessed at the Parish Council Meeting.
The Trust Deed was signed by the First Trustees, Adrian Dale and Mark Hunter, with Jean and Mick Izzard as witnesses. Jean and Mick have both served on organisations with which Michael and Christine were involved, and they knew them personally. However, neither are now associated with any of the beneficiary organisations.
A cheque for an endowment of £450,000 was received by representatives from the beneficiary organisations:
- The Parish Council - Elizabeth Kelly (Chair)
- The Parochical Church Council - Arthur Wright (Church Warden)
- The Educational Foundation of Abigail Bailey and Ann Levett - Martin Emerson (Chair)
- The Chelveston-cum-Caldecott Women's Institute - Sue Wager (President)